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Weight Training Terms & Concepts

Online Glossary / Quick Reference

Weight training terms at this quick reference include related terms from the sport sciences, including sport psychology and motor control. The Online Reference provides a variety of definitions and uses.
Abdominals The large muscles of the anterior abdominal wall; part of the core group of muscles that move the trunk in flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation. The "abs" include the rectus abdominis, internal obliques, and external obliques. Abduction A joint action where a limb moves away from the midline body. Absolute Strength The amount of weight that one can lift. Accessory or Auxiliary Exercise The term "Accessory/Auxiliary Exercise" involves exercises performed to support main lifts, increase work capacity, train antagonist muscles, and for hypertrophy, prehab, and rehab purposes. Achilles Tendon The fibrous cord that connects the muscles of the calf to the heel bone. Active Recovery Light, easy movement performed on non-exercise days or between/after training sessions to stimulate circulation, relieve soreness, and enhance recovery. Adduction Joint action where the limb moves toward the body. ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) The primary fuel that powers biological activity in the body. Energy in food (carbohydrate, fat) is converted through metabolism into this energy to perform work. Adipose Tissue Connective tissue composed of fat cells. Aerobic Requiring oxygen; exercise that overloads the cardiovascular system to stimulate increases in cardiac output. Agility The ability to change directions quickly under control. Agonist A contracting muscle that is resisted or balanced by an opposing muscle; also called prime mover. All or None Muscle Principle The "All or None Muscle Principle" refers to the idea that a muscle fiber either contracts fully or not at all. Amino Acids The basic structural unit of proteins. Anabolism The phase of metabolism where simple substances are synthesized into the complex materials of living tissue; the building of body tissue during recovery. Anaerobic Without oxygen; describes cell metabolism for brief, high intensity activity (e. G. Weight lifting, sprinting). Anatomic Position Reference point for all joint motions; standing erect with the palm facing forward. Anatomy The science of the shape and structure of organisms. Antagonist A muscle that acts in opposition, or counterbalances, the action of another muscle. Anterior The front of the body (e. G., tibialis anterior is the muscle at the front of the lower leg). Balance The ability to maintain stability while stationary or moving. Ballistic Stretching A technique where segments are bounced to achieve a terminal range of motion. Barbell A straight or curved bar typically five to seven feet in length designed to have weights placed on the ends. Bench Press An exercise performed lying supine on a bench; strengthens the muscles of the arms and chest. Bent Row An exercise performed by pulling the weights toward the body in the opposite action of the bench press. Bimagrumab Bimagrumab is an investigational drug that has gained attention for its potential in treating obesity and metabolic disorders, particularly due to its unique ability to reduce body fat while increasing muscle mass. Biomechanics The study of the applications of mechanics to biological systems. Body Composition The relative amount of fat and lean body tissue. Body Mass Index A technique for categorizing people with regard to their degree of body fat. Bumper Plate An Olympic plate with a rubber padding. Cagrilintide Cagrilintide is an investigational drug that is currently in development for the treatment of obesity. Calf Muscles Muscles of the back of the lower leg (i. E., the gastrocnemius and soleus). Calisthenics Repetitive exercises involving bodyweight only. Examples include push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, and sit-ups. Cardio Describes cardiovascular, or aerobic, exercise performed on a treadmill, stepper, or bike if in a gym. Cardiorespiratory Relating to the heart and lungs. Cardiovascular Relating to the heart and blood vessels. Catabolism Metabolism involving the release of energy and resulting in the breakdown of complex materials within the body. Catch The Olympic lifting position where the weight is supported at the shoulders or overhead. Center Of Gravity The approximate point at which all parts of the the body are equally distributed. Circuit Training A method of physical conditioning where athletes move from one exercise to another, usually at different stations using different equipment. Clean Weightlifting exercise phase performed in Olympic lifting where the bar is lifted from the floor to the shoulders. Clean And Jerk The complete competitive lift used in Olympic lifting where the weight is brought to the shoulders and then to overhead after a brief pause. Clean Pull A variation of the clean where the weight is lifted from the floor to full body extension. Closed Skills Skills that are executed in stable conditions (e. G., shooting a free throw, performing a forward roll). Cluster Set Breaking down a set into several mini-sets, separated by short rest periods, typically consisting of one to two reps each. Collars Any sleeve that prevents plates from slipping off the end of the bar. Components Of Fitness Basic qualities that demonstrate the ability to complete daily tasks with energy, reduce health risks, and participate in a variety of physical activities. Compound Exercise a lift that targets a more than muscle or muscle group over two or more joints; also referred to as a multi-joint exercise (e.g., squat) Concentric Contraction type of isotonic contraction where a muscle shortens as it develops tension against resistance. Conditioning performing exercises and activities to prepare the body for more intensive exercise or sports. Continuous Skills tasks with no defined beginning or end (e.g., running, swimming). Coordination the ability to use the senses and body parts to perform tasks smoothly, efficiently, and accurately. Core Exercises a variety of exercises that strengthen the muscles of the trunk. These include abdominal and lower back exercises. Creatine Phosphate A molecule that aids in recycling Adenosine Triphosphate and enhances the rapid production of ATP in muscle cells. Crunches a modified sit-up having a smaller range of motion that reduces back strain and strengthens the abdominal muscles. Curl an exercise where the bar is raised and lowered using elbow flexion to strengthen the biceps. Curl Up abdominal exercise similar to a sit up, except trunk flexion stops at about the point when the shoulder blades leave the floor (at approximately 35-45 degrees). Danuglipron Danuglipron is an investigational medication currently in development for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and potentially for obesity management. Dead Lift Competitive powerlifting exercise where the bar is lifting from the floor to a standing position. Decline Press Variation of the bench press where the bench is angled so the body is inverted at approximately 45 degrees. Deltoids Large triangular muscles that cover the shoulder joints. Density Training A training style focused on completing as many reps, sets, and/or exercises as possible in a given period of time. Detraining The effect of stopping training activities causing training effects to be reversed. Discrete Skills Brief tasks with a defined beginning and end (e. G., discus throw, golf swing). Dorsiflexion Ankle action where the toes move toward the shin. Drop Set A set of a strength training exercise performed immediately after one or more medium to heavy sets in which you drastically reduce the weight used in order to further exhaust a muscle. Dumbbell A short bar with fixed or changeable weights mounted on each end. Duration Of Exercise The time it takes to perform a primary workout. Dynamic Contraction A muscle contraction where the length of the muscle changes; means the same as isotonic. Dynamic Stability The ability to maintain balance while moving. Dynamic Stretching Form of stretching resulting from explosive movements of opposing muscles. Dynamometer An instrument used to measure strength (e. G., hand dynamometer) Eccentric Contraction Isotonic contraction where a muscle extends as it applies force; means the same as negative contraction. Endurance The ability to sustain activity; muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to repeatedly generate submaximal force. EPOC (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) The tendency for the body to continue burning energy above your baseline metabolic rate after the conclusion of a workout. Exercise Ball A large ball used for exercise that introduces an element of instability to exercise resulting in increased strength in the back and abdominal muscles; also called a Swiss ball or physio ball. Exercise Physiology A field of sports medicine that involves the study of the body's response to physical stress. Exercise Prescription The dosage of exercise that effectively promotes fitness. Explosive Lifting Weight training exercises that involve rapidly accelerating movements. Extension Increasing a joint angle; opposite movement of flexion. Failure Performing repetitions of an exercise until muscles are temporarily unable to complete another repetition. Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers A type of muscle cell that uses anaerobic metabolism to create fuel; used in strength and speed activities. Fatty Acids Lipids that are used to create ATP when muscle cells use aerobic energy systems, requiring oxygen for the conversion process. Fine Motor Skills Small muscle movements, such as those of the fingers. Fitness Assessment An initial collection of data to determine a person's level of fitness prior to a performing a training regimen; used as a baseline measure. Fitness Evaluation Follow up measures of fitness after training to determine the effectiveness of a program and make revisions to progress toward goals. Fitness Test Item A single test that represents a component of fitness. Fitness testing - the process of measuring fitness. Flexibility The ability to move through a range of motion at a joint. Flexion Increase in a joint angle; associated with bending. Flyes Weight training terms for a variety of shoulder joint exercises performed with dumbbells where the arms are partially flexed at the elbow. Force Velocity Curve A graphical representation that implies that velocity of muscle contraction is inversely proportional to the weight load; the heavier the weight, the slower the speed that it is lifted. Free Weights Resistances not guided by mechanical devices (e. G., barbells, dumbbells). Frequency How often one trains. Front Squat Variation of the back squat where the bar is supported in the front of the shoulders. Functional Anatomy The study of body components needed to achieve or perform a human movement or function; provides a basis for analysis of weight training exercises. Functional Training Term used in physical therapy to describe therapeutic activities to prepare patients to perform daily activities. Recently has been applied to training for fitness and sports. Gastrocnemius One of two calf muscles; causes plantar flexion when the knee is straight. Gender Differences Distinctions between males and females that require training adjustments and considerations. General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Describes the body's short-term and long-term reactions to stress. Gluteal Muscles The three muscles that make up the buttocks; the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Glycolytic Efficiency The term "Glycolytic Efficiency" relates to the body's ability to convert glucose into energy and manage lactate/hydrogen waste during high-intensity exercise. Goniometer An instrument used to measure joint angles. Good Mornings Low back strengthening performed by placing the bar on the shoulders and flexing at the hips with the knees slightly bent. Grip Strength The capacity to grasp, hold, pinch, carry, and hang from objects of various shapes, sizes, and weights using primarily the strength of your fingers and hands. Gross Motor Skills Skills involving the large muscles of the body. Hack Squat Exercise where the bar is lifted from the floor behind the legs to a standing position; or performed on a sled as a leg press on approximately a 45 degree angle. Hamstrings The muscles of the back of the thigh used in knee flexion; they include the biceps femoris (two heads, one on either side of the knee), semitendinosis, and semimembranosis. Hand Eye Coordination The ability to coordinate visual cues with motor skills involving the hands. Hang Clean Variation of the clean that involves pulling the bar from above the knees to racking it at the shoulders. Hang Snatch Variation of the snatch that involves pulling the bar from above the knees to catching it overhead. Horizontal Abduction Moving the upper arms away from the chest in the transverse plane (e. G., bent rowing). Horizontal Adduction Moving the upper arms toward the chest in the transverse plane (e. G., bench press). Hyperextension Extending it beyond its neutral anatomic position (e. G., back hyperextensions). Hyperplasia An increase in muscle cell number - as opposed to Hypertrophy, which refers to an increase in muscle cell size. Hypertrophy An increase in the mass or girth of a muscle due to training. Incline Bench Press Variation of the bench press performed with the body inclined upward at approximately 45 degrees. Individual Differences Unique qualities of people based on many factors (e. G., gender, race, intelligence, fiber types) for which training programs can be personalized. Intensity How hard training is for an individual; for weight training, how heavy the weight load is. Intensive Training A phase of training that is intended to produce greater strength gains using heavier weight loads follow a conditioning period. Interval Training Repetitions of high-speed or intensity work followed by periods of rest or low activity (also called HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training). Isokinetic Maintaining constant torque or tension as muscles shorten or lengthen; usually produced by exercising on a specially designed machine. Isolation Exercise An exercise that targets a single muscle or muscle group using one joint action (e. G., curl). Isometric Type of contraction where tension is applied by the length of the muscle remains unchanged. Isotonic Type of contraction where tension is applied and the length of the muscle changes; concentric and eccentric contractions are isotonic. Jerk The Olympic lifting phases of the clean and jerk where the bar is rapidly driven and caught overhead. Joint The place at which two bones interact; an articulation. Joint Action Movement of a joint through a specific range of motion. Joint Laxity Lack of stability in a joint; for women, can be induced by pregnancy. Kettlebells Free weights similar to cannonballs with handles used to improve fitness. Kilocalorie Commonly known as a calorie. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water 1 degree C. Kinematics Movement analysis technique that examines motion without consideration of force; describes movement. Kinesiology The study of human movement. Kinetics Movement analysis technique that examines forces acting on a system (the human body or an object); defines forces causing a movement. Knurled The roughened sections of a weight lifting bar. Kyphosis An exaggerated thoracic (upper back) curvature. Lactate A fuel source for muscle contraction, produced and burned during prolonged high-intensity strength or endurance training. Lat Pulls Exercise performed on a machine where the bar is pulled down from overhead. Works the latissimus dorsi muscle; hence, the term lat pull. Also called pulldowns or lat pulldowns. Lateral Flexion Side bending at the trunk. Lateral Raises Dumbbell exercises where the arms are raised at the sides of the body in shoulder joint abduction. Lean Body Mass Total body mass minus fat mass; includes muscle, bone, organs, and water. Leg Curls Isolation exercise performed on a machine to strengthen the hamstrings. Leg Extensions Isolation exercise performed on a machine to strengthen the quadriceps. Leg Press Compound exercise performed on a machine to strengthen the lower body; approximately simulates the squat, but varies according to the seat and foot platform angles. Ligament A dense band of connective tissue fibers that connect one bone to another. Liraglutide Liraglutide is a medication primarily used to manage type 2 diabetes and for weight loss in individuals with obesity or overweight conditions. Lordosis An exaggeration of the lumbar curvature. Lumbar Pertaining to the lower back. Lunges Multi-joint lower body free weight exercise that simulates a stride. Macrocycle Used in periodization training to describe an annual training cycle. Maxing Attempting a maximum lift for an exercise; 1 repetition maximum, or 1 RM. Medial Toward the midline of the body. Mesocycle Used in periodization training that approximates a monthly training phase. Metabolism The sum of all biochemical processes underway within the human body at a given moment; includes anabolism and catabolism. Microcycle Used in periodization training to describe a weekly training cycle. Military Press An exercise where the weights are lifted from the vicinity of the shoulders to overhead; also called an overhead press. Mind-Muscle Connection The mental awareness of muscle actions during lengthening and contracting, which can improve the effectiveness of a strength-training program. Motor Behavior An area of study that stresses the principles of human skilled movements generated at a behavioral level of analysis. Motor Control An area of study dealing with the understanding of neural, physical, and behavioral aspects of movement. Motor Learning A set of internal processes associated with practice or experience leading to relatively permanent changes in the capability for motor skill. Motor Memory The memory for movement or motor information. Motor Program An abstract representation that results in a coordinated movement sequence. Motor Skills Skills involving movement. Motor Unit All of the muscle cells controlled by a single motor neuron. Movement Time (MT) The interval between the beginning and end of a movement. Multi Joint Movement A skill or action involving more than one joint; requires coordination among muscle groups. Muscle A contractile organ composed of muscle tissue, blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues; skeletal muscle is associated with weight training. Muscle Fibers Muscle cells. Two primary types are slow twitch (Type I) and fast twitch (Type II). Muscle Imbalance A difference in the relative strength of muscles on two sides of the body or two sides of a joint, which can affect posture and increase the risk of injury. Muscular Strength The ability of a muscle to generate force. Negatives Lifting using eccentric contractions. Neutralizer Muscle A muscle that cancels out the action of another muscle to permit an action to occur. Olympic Lifting A competitive sport; lifts include the clean and jerk, and snatch. Open Skills Tasks performed in an environment that is generally unpredictable or changing, requiring the athlete to adjust movements according to the demands. Orforglipron Orforglipron is an investigational drug currently in development as an oral GLP-1 receptor agonist, primarily targeting the treatment of type 2 diabetes and potentially obesity. Overlearning Practicing a skill beyond what is necessary to learn the skill; used to overcome existing undesirable movement patterns or for rehabilitation. Overload To train with heavier weights than one is accustomed to lifting. Overtraining Failure to get enough rest between training sessions resulting in chronic fatigue or injuries. Oxidation The production of energy from the respiratory process in which you breathe in oxygen and that oxygen then oxidizes (or reacts with) fatty acids. Passive Exercise Movement performed without muscular activity, such as vibrating machines, rollers, or human assistance; does not improve fitness or weight loss. Pectoral Muscles Chest muscles; includes the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. Pelvis The bony complex comprised of the coxae, sacrum, and coccyx at the hips. Performance v Aesthetics The concept of "Performance vs Aesthetics" contrasts two primary goals of training: improving specific fitness domains versus sculpting the body for appearance. Periodization training in phases, or cycles; sport training strategy characterized by variation in planned phases, or cycles, each with a specific purpose. Personal Record An individual's performance in a lift or other exercise that represents their best effort to date. Phases Of Training Periods of training intended to accomplish a specific purpose toward improving sport performance. Physiology The study of function; considers ways living organisms perform vital functions. Plantarflexion Joint action where the foot moves away from the shin, raising the body onto the balls of the feet. Plyometrics Bounding exercises intended to produce powerful, explosive movement for sports. Posterior The back of the body Power A combination of strength and speed. Power Clean Variation of the clean phase of the clean and jerk in competitive Olympic lifting where the weight is caught (or racked) in a partial squat position rather than in a full squat. Powerlifting A weightlifting sport. Lifts include the squat, dead lift, and bench press. Preacher Bench Inclined support used for bicep curls. Prime mover - main muscle responsible for a movement. Progressive Overload A gradual, planned increase in training intensity. Pronation Movement of the radio-ulnar joint (forearm); the hands are in pronation during push ups. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Combines stretching with alternating contracting and relaxing muscles to improve flexibility. Pyramiding Progressively increasing the amount of weight lifted for each set while concurrently decreasing the number of repetitions, then doing the reverse. Often performed during an intensive training period. Q Angle The angle at which the femur (upper leg bone) meets the tibia (lower leg bone). The Q-angle in women (caused by a wider pelvis than in men) is linked to a greater incidence of sports injuries. Quadriceps Four muscles at the front of the upper thigh; include the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. Rack (a) a structure that supports the weight bar. (b) to catch the bar at the front of the shoulders in the clean. Range Of Motion (ROM) Flexibility at a joint; measured in degrees by a goniometer. Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) A subjective scale, expressed as a number from six to 20 or one to 10, of how hard a person is working relative to their maximal capacity. Recomposition Changing the relative proportion of body fat and muscle tissue in the body with minimal change in total body mass. Recovery Period The time taken between sets or workouts to allow the body to prepare for the next set or session. Relative Strength The amount of weight you can lift compared to your body weight. Repetition A single complete performance of a movement resistance training - repeatedly performing exercises with weights, machines, or other devices to increase strength. Retatrutide Retatrutide is an investigational medication that is generating significant interest in the fields of weight loss and type 2 diabetes management. Reversibility The loss of training effect as a result of not training or taking too much time between training sessions. R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) An acronym representing a treatment protocol for exercise-related injuries. Roman Chair Sit Up Abdominal exercise where the trunk hyperextends and flexes not usually through a range of more than 90 degrees. Rotation Twisting movement around a central axis (e. G., trunk rotations) Rotator Cuff Term for the group of muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint; include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. Sagittal Plane Plane that divides the body into left and right portions. Schema Theory Summarizes what is known about varying practice conditions and predicts improvements in skill learning using variations in training, usually within classes of skills. Semaglutide Semaglutide (a.k.a. Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus) is a medication originally developed to treat type 2 diabetes but has gained significant attention for its effectiveness in weight management. Serial Skills A group of discrete skill performed in a specific sequence. Set The number of consecutive repetitions of an exercise performed without resting. Set Point Theory A theory of weight regulation; asserts that body weight is controlled at a set point by a weight-regulating control center within the brain. Shrugs An exercise where the shoulder girdle is elevated and depressed to strengthen the upper trapezius muscle. Sit And Reach Test A test of low back and hamstring flexibility. Sit Ups Flexion exercise of the trunk; strengthens the abdominals and hip flexors. Skinfold Test Method of estimating the percentage of body composition by measuring the thickness of skinfolds at specific sites on the body. Snatch A competitive Olympic lifting exercise where the weight is raised from the floor to overhead in one fluid movement. Snatch Pull The phase of the snatch where the bar is raised from the floor to full body extension. Soleus One of the two calf muscles that is strengthened and stretched when the knee is in flexion. Speed The ability to move quickly; velocity. Speed Accuracy Tradeoff The tendency to substitute accuracy for speed in sport skills. Speed Squats Squats performed with submaximal weight loads and executed explosively on the ascent. Split Training As opposed to full-body training a split program focuses on different muscle groups or movements on different days of the week, or days within a cycle of workouts. Sport Psychology A broad field of study that examines factors affecting participation and performance in sports, and applying psychological principles to enhancing athletic performance. Spotting A safety technique whereby a lifter is monitored by another through vigilance, guidance, or assistance to complete an exercise using a heavy weight load. Sprain A joint injury caused by ligaments being overstretched beyond their normal capacity. Squat A primary, free weight training exercise for strengthening the lower body. Stabilizers Muscles that act in one segment so that a specific movement in an adjacent joint can occur. Starter Program A beginning strength fitness program that prepares one for a more intensive strength program. Static Stretching Stretching that slowly lengthens a muscle to its end point. Straight Leg Dead Lift Exercise where the bar is lifted from the floor the a standing position with the back and legs straight; strengthens to low back, gluteals, and hamstrings. Strain Damage to a muscle that can range from a minor separation of fibers to a complete tear. Strength Training The systematic use of resistances to overload muscles in order to gain strength. Stress-Recovery-Adaptation Cycle The stress-recovery-adaptation cycle, based on Hans Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome, describes how the body responds to stress, recovers, and adapts to better handle future stressors. Stretch Reflex Involuntary contraction of a muscle that occurs after rapid stretching. Super Setting Alternating sets of at least two exercises, back to back, usually to save time, or to increase the workload on a given muscle group. Supination Position of the forearm or foot; when the palms face to the front. Supine A body position lying down facing up. Tactical Skills Skills that give athletes an advantage (e. G., making decisions about technical skills, capitalizing on weaknesses of opponents). Technical Skills Fundamental movements in sports, including speed of contraction of movements. Ten Percent Rule States that the training intensity or duration should not be increased by more than 10% per week. Tendon Connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone tendonitis: inflammation of a tendon; a common exercise-related injury. Tesofensine Tesofensine is an investigational drug originally developed as a treatment for Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, with potential applications in weight loss. Tetanic Contraction Sustained contraction of a muscle due to repeated stimulation at a frequency that prevents relaxation. Time under tension (TUT) The time taken to complete all phases of a strength-training exercise, sometimes expressed as a four-digit number, with each digit referring to the time taken to complete a specific portion of the movement. Tirzepatide Tirzepatide (Mounjaro) is part of a new class of drugs known as dual GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonists, meaning it mimics the action of two naturally occurring hormones - glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Tonnage The total amount of weight lifting during a workout. Transfer Of Learning The influence of previously learned skills on the learning and performance of other skills with common elements. Trapezius A large muscles that spans the back, neck, and shoulders. The upper "traps" are strengthened by shoulder shrugs. Triceps Triceps brachii muscle at the back of the upper arm; strengthened by tricep extensions and the narrow-grip bench press. Undulating Periodization A variation of the standard periodization model in which you vary the focus of the workouts within the same training block in order to reduce stress, and create a stimulus for broader adaptation. Upright Row Exercise where the bar is lifted vertically from an extended position to the shoulders. Uprights A pair of vertical columns attached to benches with hooks at the top to support barbells. Use And Disuse Biological principle that relates to the reversibility principle in weight training. Variation The practice of changing exercises, workouts, or training programs within certain ranges to improve performance. Vertical Jump A task used as a test representative of power or explosiveness. Visualization Mental imagery used to reduce stress or improve sport performance. Vitamins Small molecules that play a key role in growth and metabolism. Volume Number of repetitions done in a training regimen Warm Up A brief period of exercise that precedes a workout; intended to elevate muscle temperature, and increase blood flow and range of motion. Weight Lifting The act of lifting weights; competitive sports involving the lifting of weights. Weight Machine Exercise equipment that guides or restricts the direction and extent of a movement. Weight Training Employing resistances to improve fitness or sport performance.
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