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Expected Weight Loss

What results you should expect vs. what results should you get?

Weight is only part of the story

Our fitness program is flexible for your unique needs, with attention and guidance from experts in the industry.
The goal is to help clients focus on improving their health. This means taking a broad-spectrum approach, with emphasis on building skills, knowledge and discipline.
if you are considering a fat camp or fitness retreat that is asserting or pushing you on how many pounds you'll lose, you may want to reconsider and seek further guidance.

Loss of bodyweight—measured on a scale—at a weight loss camp is quite often the number one concern of folks attending. However, anyone with any experience or professional training in this field understands that progress can be more accurately measured through:

  • Body fat reduction percentage
  • Measurable inches of lost body mass
  • Increased lean muscle
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved endurance
  • Improved flexibility
  • Improved mobility
  • Building healthy habits

How much weight can you lose at Weight Loss Camp?

Although there are many resources that state that you can lose between 10 & 25 lbs of "body fat" in a month while attending a residential weight loss camp, fat camp or fat farm, the truth is that no one can tell you. It could be less or much more, but it cannot be accurately measured by either the use of medications, or natural processes. This is because the number of factors that go into scaleable weight loss is vast, complex and unique to every individual. Although there are indicators also unique to each person such as current weight, height, body type, historical and current exercise level, age, gender, medical issues, hormone imbalances and other factors that can give generally accepted proximities, no honest or ethical weight loss camp would assert guaranteed or specific results to their clients.

Is "How much weight can I lose?" the right question to be asking?

Placing all of your expectations purely on total body weight is actually a very common mistake. Absolute weight is the measurement that most people are used to thinking about—but if you are considering a fat camp or fitness retreat that is asserting or pushing you on how many pounds you'll lose, you may want to reconsider and seek further guidance.

The goal is to help clients focus on improving their health. This means taking a broad-spectrum approach, with emphasis on building skills, knowledge and discipline. It means paying attention to improved muscle mass, reduction of not just the body fat cell count, but also reducing body fat cell size, increased flexibility, reduction in inflammation, reduction in overall body mass and inches, being able to have steady and consistent functional fitness for your daily life, establishing healthy eating patterns, stress reduction and implementing overall discipline in your life so that you age gracefully and get the most out of your life. Being healthy is so much more than measuring your gravitational pull on the earth by looking at weight on the scale. And it means taking all these factors into account. That is why you should go to a place that has real experience and real expertise.

Here are some of the questions you should ask when approaching a residential weight loss program:

  • How much body fat can I reduce over a period of time?
  • How much lean muscle can I build over a period of time?
  • How many inches of mass can I deduct over a period of time?
  • How much inflammation can I reduce over a period of time?
  • How much can I improve my cardio, my strength, my endurance, my flexibility and mobility over a period of time?
  • How much weight can be lost over a period of time?
  • How do I implement discipline in all areas of my life in order to reduce stress and impulsive/emotional behavior that leads to poor health?
  • Will I be able to maintain my progress when I return home?
  • Etc.

These are questions that when answered factually and with contemplated thought, will address your concerns and better provide you with the information necessary to make the right decision.

Written by Kenny Ralston, CPT/CGT/CN on August 30, 2022

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We provide meals that are delicious, substantial, filling and genuinely healthy. And you can learn how to make them yourself.
Our fitness program is flexible for your unique needs, with attention and guidance from experts in the industry.
This older gentleman exercising at Weight Crafters appreciates our experienced weight loss resort staff.
Being healthy is so much more than measuring your gravitational pull on the earth by looking at weight on the scale.
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