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Nutrition and Health

Diet and Wellness Terms

Nutrition and Health: The Essentials of Diet and Wellness

Nutrition and health are interwoven elements of a balanced lifestyle, influencing energy, performance, and long-term wellness. This glossary defines key terms related to dietary practices, essential nutrients, and health strategies, providing a comprehensive resource for understanding how food choices impact overall fitness and vitality.

ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)The primary fuel that powers biological activity in the body. Energy in food (carbohydrate, fat) is converted through metabolism into this energy to perform work.Creatine PhosphateA molecule that aids in recycling Adenosine Triphosphate and enhances the rapid production of ATP in muscle cells.EPOC (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption)The tendency for the body to continue burning energy above your baseline metabolic rate after the conclusion of a workout.Fatty AcidsLipids that are used to create ATP when muscle cells use aerobic energy systems, requiring oxygen for the conversion process.LactateA fuel source for muscle contraction, produced and burned during prolonged high-intensity strength or endurance training.OxidationThe production of energy from the respiratory process in which you breathe in oxygen and that oxygen then oxidizes (or reacts with) fatty acids.SprainA joint injury caused by ligaments being overstretched beyond their normal capacity.StrainDamage to a muscle that can range from a minor separation of fibers to a complete tear.VitaminsSmall molecules that play a key role in growth and metabolism.
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