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Exercise Techniques

Methods for Physical Training

Exercise Techniques: Mastering Movement and Form

Exercise techniques form the foundation of safe and effective physical training. This section defines terms and methods related to proper form, movement mechanics, and variations in exercise performance. From basic lifts to advanced movement patterns, these entries guide you in building strength, improving mobility, and preventing injury.

Bench PressAn exercise performed lying supine on a bench; strengthens the muscles of the arms and chest.Bent RowAn exercise performed by pulling the weights toward the body in the opposite action of the bench press.CatchThe Olympic lifting position where the weight is supported at the shoulders or overhead.CleanWeightlifting exercise phase performed in Olympic lifting where the bar is lifted from the floor to the shoulders.Clean And JerkThe complete competitive lift used in Olympic lifting where the weight is brought to the shoulders and then to overhead after a brief pause.Clean PullA variation of the clean where the weight is lifted from the floor to full body extension.Crunchesa modified sit-up having a smaller range of motion that reduces back strain and strengthens the abdominal muscles.Curlan exercise where the bar is raised and lowered using elbow flexion to strengthen the biceps.Curl Upabdominal exercise similar to a sit up, except trunk flexion stops at about the point when the shoulder blades leave the floor (at approximately 35-45 degrees).Dead LiftCompetitive powerlifting exercise where the bar is lifting from the floor to a standing position.Decline PressVariation of the bench press where the bench is angled so the body is inverted at approximately 45 degrees.FlyesWeight training terms for a variety of shoulder joint exercises performed with dumbbells where the arms are partially flexed at the elbow.Front SquatVariation of the back squat where the bar is supported in the front of the shoulders.Good MorningsLow back strengthening performed by placing the bar on the shoulders and flexing at the hips with the knees slightly bent.Hack SquatExercise where the bar is lifted from the floor behind the legs to a standing position; or performed on a sled as a leg press on approximately a 45 degree angle.Hang CleanVariation of the clean that involves pulling the bar from above the knees to racking it at the shoulders.Hang SnatchVariation of the snatch that involves pulling the bar from above the knees to catching it overhead.Incline Bench PressVariation of the bench press performed with the body inclined upward at approximately 45 degrees.JerkThe Olympic lifting phases of the clean and jerk where the bar is rapidly driven and caught overhead.Lat PullsExercise performed on a machine where the bar is pulled down from overhead. Works the latissimus dorsi muscle; hence, the term lat pull. Also called pulldowns or lat pulldowns.Lateral RaisesDumbbell exercises where the arms are raised at the sides of the body in shoulder joint abduction.Leg CurlsIsolation exercise performed on a machine to strengthen the hamstrings.Leg ExtensionsIsolation exercise performed on a machine to strengthen the quadriceps.Leg PressCompound exercise performed on a machine to strengthen the lower body; approximately simulates the squat, but varies according to the seat and foot platform angles.LungesMulti-joint lower body free weight exercise that simulates a stride.Military PressAn exercise where the weights are lifted from the vicinity of the shoulders to overhead; also called an overhead press.Power CleanVariation of the clean phase of the clean and jerk in competitive Olympic lifting where the weight is caught (or racked) in a partial squat position rather than in a full squat.ShrugsAn exercise where the shoulder girdle is elevated and depressed to strengthen the upper trapezius muscle.Sit UpsFlexion exercise of the trunk; strengthens the abdominals and hip flexors.SnatchA competitive Olympic lifting exercise where the weight is raised from the floor to overhead in one fluid movement.Snatch PullThe phase of the snatch where the bar is raised from the floor to full body extension.Speed SquatsSquats performed with submaximal weight loads and executed explosively on the ascent.SquatA primary, free weight training exercise for strengthening the lower body.Straight Leg Dead LiftExercise where the bar is lifted from the floor the a standing position with the back and legs straight; strengthens to low back, gluteals, and hamstrings.Upright RowExercise where the bar is lifted vertically from an extended position to the shoulders.Weight LiftingThe act of lifting weights; competitive sports involving the lifting of weights.
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